At Goulet Associates we love what we do. We love...
...learning and writing about the fascinating science and technology our clients endeavor to advance.
...being an integral part of a process that supports innovation, drives our economy and puts money in our clients' pockets.
...utilizing our expertise and core competencies, and deriving value and meaning from our daily work.
...CRA's confidence in our work through our "Accepted as Filed" status.
At Goulet Associates we believe in community giving. We believe... social responsibility, thus we contribute to:
The Metis Nation Employment & Training Fund research and innovation, thus we contribute to:
The Endocrinology Research Fund,
The Orthopaedic Research Fund.
...that entrepreneurs are integral to growing and healthy economies, thus we contribute to:
KIVA - worldwide micro-financing to alleaviate poverty. building a culture of transparency and humour in our office, which also means we ensure the fridge is well-stocked with beverages on Friday afternoon!
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